Senate Bill 48
As the California Legislature attempts to “Trump Proof” California, students and school personnel could be impacted.
As the California Legislature attempts to “Trump Proof” California, students and school personnel could be impacted.
TRUMP WON!! Many thanks to the volunteers, candidates and donors who believed we could be victorious and worked to make it happen.
We know better than to think Kamala Harris has changed from a progressive to a moderate overnight. The differences between Trump and Harris could not be more clear if you look at their records.
Voters are telling us they know they can’t sit out this election. It’s time for all hands on deck, and SacCountyGOP has the tools needed to make a difference.
Action Alert! Show your support for legislation that will keep books and other school resources age-appropriate.
Update! The San Juan School Board voted 6-1 to end discussion on the proposal to open school sites after hours at their April 9th Meeting.