“Leadership on Cap and Trade”
WHEREAS, the Sacramento County Republican Party stands appalled at our Legislature’s decision to extend Governor Jerry Brown’s Cap and Trade program;
WHEREAS, Cap and Trade is a harmful program that has and will continue to drive small businesses from our state;
WHEREAS, Cap and Trade adds an enormous financial burden to poor and middle class families;
WHEREAS, Cap and Trade will raise fuel prices by a minimum of 72 cents per gallon by 2030;
WHEREAS, the grassroots of the Republican Party works hard, cycle after cycle, in order to make gains towards restoring financial freedom and fiscal discipline to our state;
WHEREAS, Chad Mayes, the Assembly Republican Leader, voted and lobbied other Assembly Republicans to vote for Cap and Trade;
WHEREAS, Chad Mayes committed political malpractice by lobbying in favor of Cap and Trade, allowing swing district Democrats like Quirk-Silva, Cervantes, Irwin and Gray to either vote against it or abstain from voting;
WHEREAS, Chad Mayes should be condemned for his vindictive collaboration with the Democrat Speaker and for punishing fellow Republican members on their committee assignments;
WHEREAS, we commend our local legislators, Senator Jim Nielsen, Senator Ted Gaines, and Assemblyman Kevin Kiley for standing firm against Governor Brown and Democrats to oppose this disastrous policy and massive tax increase, now, therefore be it:
Resolved, that the Sacramento County Republican Party:
- Asks Assembly Republican Leader Chad Mayes to resign his position of leadership immediately;
- Urges his Assembly Republican colleagues to elect a new leader who will work hard to advance our Republican agenda, and who will prove worthy of the efforts and support of our voters and volunteers.
Status: Approved as amended by Committee Vote on September 13, 2017