We all want our roads to be in good shape – so why do we want the latest Gas & Vehicle Tax increase (SB 1) repealed?
- Before SB 1, California was already in the top five highest gas tax brackets in the nation.
- $60 million is diverted from the State Highway Account and $80 million from the Motor Vehicle Account every year to support the General Fund!
- Since the original gas tax funds were being used for other purposes, the Legislature passed a $5.2 billion annual tax increase, without a vote of the people.
- A Republican proposal that would have used existing funds for road improvement projects without the need for a tax increase was ignored.
- Because of SB 1, there is a 70% tax increase on gas, and a vehicle registration increase of 47% to 330%!
- The increases in SB 1 include ZERO reforms to ensure accountability for the spending. And worse: the gas and car tax is indexed to inflation, so it will increase automatically in the future, again, without voter input.
To learn more about Prop. 6 to repeal SB 1, visit GasTaxRepeal.org
The following Sacramento area legislators supported SB 1 to increase taxes.
Assemblyman Jim Frazier (D-AD11)
Assemblyman Jim Cooper (D-AD 9)
Assemblyman Ken Cooley (D-AD 8)
Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-AD 7)
Senator Bill Dodd (D-SD 3)
Senator Cathleen Galgiani (D-SD 5)
Senator Richard Pan (D-SD 6)
Thanks to those who opposed SB 1!
Senator Ted Gaines (R-SD 1)
Senator Jim Nielsen (R-SD 4)
Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-AD 6)
Constitutional Amendment to Repeal SB 1 and Require Voter Approval for Future Gas & Vehicle Tax Increases
Status: 950,000 Signatures turned in. On November Ballot as Prop. 6
Primary Supporters: Carl DeMaio and Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn
Signatures Required: 585,407
Read the Constitutional amendment introduced by Carl DeMaio and supported by the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Press Conferences Held Throughout California on October 1, 2018 to Call for Independent Audit of the DMV
A Yes on 6 press conference was streamed live on Facebook with Assemblyman Kevin Kiley (R-AD 6) and Melinda Avey, Candidate for AD 8, to discuss the requested audit of the DMV. Both Assemblyman Kiley and Melinda Avey have been endorsed by Reform California, the proponents of Prop. 6 to repeal the recent gas and vehicle taxes.
Prior to the press conference, Barbara Sloan ventured into the 1020 N Legislative Office Bldg. to see if she could find the “secret DMV.”
Hundreds of Prop 6 supporters gathered at the State Capitol to Rally for Prop. 6 to Repeal the Gas Tax!
AD 8 Candidate Melinda Avey speaks on the importance of passing Prop. 6.
Drivers showed their support for Prop. 6.
Prop 6 supporters and candidates speak out.
Carl DeMaio was joined by Senator Jim Nielsen, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, Controller Candidate Konstantinos Roditis, and Assembly Candidates Melinda Avey and Scott Schmidt.
Delivering a message to Governor Brown.