President Trump is bucking the system in Washington, governing his way. Just as he promised to do during the election.
Yes, there are staged protests in blue states, and even violence in the name of stopping Trump’s agenda. The mainstream media obediently covers these events as if they are representative of all Americans.
But we are confident there is also a quiet majority that has very high hopes for the change that President Trump is implementing. They’ve had enough of over-taxation, unproductive regulations, sanctuary cities, jobs leaving the nation, not standing up for our allies abroad, and political correctness that has no basis in reality.
The Sacramento County Republican Party was pleased to host a 100 Day Celebration in honor of our President, and the over one thousand Sacramento County volunteers who helped elect him to serve the people.
Here are some pictures from the event that featured a welcome message from former Sacramento County Sheriff John McGinness. Below the slide show are the latest videos from President Trump’s first 100 days.
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